Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sun 5/21 - Philosophy-in-LA Discussion Group & Dinner @ Santa Monica

A fascinating discussion of a pre-determined philosophical question, followed by informal conversation over food and coffee...what more could you want?

If you love a good, impassioned, yet respectful and reasoned discussion, join us for our monthly Philosophy-in-LA discussion group! We meet on the 3rd Sunday of every month, which is this Sunday, May 21 at 5:30pm.

For those who'd like to join us, we'll grab a bite afterwards at a nearby coffeehouse or restaurant to recharge our brains.


2) THE RED PILL OR THE BLUE PILL? In the first Matrix movie, Keanu Reeves is given the choice to take the red pill or the blue pill—to go back to his comfortable, pleasant but illusory life within the matrix or emerge from the illusion of the matrix to live in the real but unpleasant world. Which pill would you choose, and more importantly, why?

3) PRIVACY VERSUS SECURITY: HOW DO WE DECIDE WHICH TAKES PRECEDENCE? A case in point is the current brouhaha about the National Security Agency policy of wiretapping (and "data-mining") phone and internet communications, especially those between Americans and people in other countries. How do we weigh the relative importance of our "right" to privacy against our "right" to security?

4) E.T. AND GOD: CAN EARTHLY RELIGIONS SURVIVE THE DISCOVERY OF LIFE ELSEWHERE IN THE UNIVERSE? What happens to our religions, and their adherents, if and when we discover, or are visited by, intelligent life?

RSVP and more info:

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